Hey, I'm Bekah, CEO of Healthy All Day Long.

I am your Personal Trainer, Meditation Teacher & Mindset Mentor!

My mission is to help women up-level their lives and create consistency in their day to day habits, so that they can live their best and most balanced lives!

I first stepped into the health & well-being industry when I found a new passion for fitness, whilst studying my BSc Psychology & Counselling. The plan all along was to graduate and start my career path as a therapist... However, during my time at University I was struggling with depression, and fitness became my therapy. I honestly felt as though I had found the 'secret sauce' and I knew I had to share this with others. I qualified as a Personal Trainer as soon as I had finished my degree and began to work with individuals struggling with their mental well-being.

Fast forward a few years and that love for fitness is still going strong, however, a whole new world of mindset & meditation has been thrown into the mix! After realizing that a lot of the conversations I was having with clients ran a lot deeper than just exercise, and understanding it was a whole mental journey too, I expanded my knowledge and services, to offer a much more holistic and inclusive approach.

Now, I work with women to help them create solid habits in all areas of their lives, so they stop falling off the wagon for good and can then step into the ultimate versions of themselves!

Client Testimonial

I decided to work with Bekah because I knew I wanted a change in my life over all and I wanted to learn consistency with my habits. Those habits started to feel easier and easier to accomplish and less like an “ugh I have to do this”. I feel stronger with working out and I feel less stressed in my daily life. One of the biggest breakthroughs I had was that I could start and keep up with a morning routine. Before this that seemed impossible, my morning routine was a happy surprise to me.

Client Testimonial

Consistency. I keep saying it but it was definitely my biggest struggle. But also knowing that some days you are gonna miss. But you just enjoy those days and pick up where you left off. No beating my self up anymore. I have habits that I have stuck with and I don’t beat myself up over missed days. It happens and I move on and keep going with my life.

Client Testimonial

My biggest takeaway was how beneficial meditation can be!!! I really thought at first that sitting and just breathing was not for me and that I couldn’t make time for it but my mental health is so much better now. Also, the daily support and knowing I had someone there to encourage me.

Client Testimonial

I think that everything was great. I loved the daily messages and different ways to push me into my new habits or thinking about my best self or future goals. At first I was nervous not having that daily support would make me “fall off the wagon” but I really did develop habits that I did and wanted to keep up with. Do it!!! It helped change my life for the better.